What happens to my rejected transactions metamask

what happens to my rejected transactions metamask

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How to resolve a dropped or Pending or Stuck Transactions in Metamask using Custom Nonce
You can see the error message for your failed transaction by finding the transaction on Etherscan (or the appropriate block explorer for the. Once your account is reset, restart your browser and try connecting your Ledger device to MetaMask again. Resetting your MetaMask account is. mistericon.org � en-us � articles � User-Guide-Tran.
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Blockchain questions to ask

Every account including self-custodial accounts is simply a smart contract, and users are free to determine how individual accounts are managed and operated. This way, using your web3 wallet will feel similar, if not better than, a web2 banking application. Different approaches to implementing account abstraction are being considered�each featuring unique benefits and tradeoffs. As such, the same contract deployed on testnet and mainnet will have different addresses.